About Us

 Beauty Defined By You


To create an online space that appreciates as well as provides quality beauty products and services that allow you to define your own kind of beautiful!


To be the leading online provider for quality, genuine, affordable beauty products and services.


Genuine, value for money, Cruetly Free, Inclusive' and customer satisfaction

Who we are

Blushbox isn’t just your typical product store, we wanted to create a space where we celebrate everything beauty and individuality. With carefully selected products, our aim is to do all the hard work in finding just the right products for looks that define who you are. With a mix of products, blogs, spaces to create and share, this is the ultimate beauty box. 

–  Far, Blush Box Founder & CEO

Why choose us

We work hard to find just the right products for looks that define who you are. Focusing on what is trending but also what works, Blushbox guarantees genuine, pocket friendly beauty products and services .